To start with your keto diet plan, we prepare a simple and easy one week plan for all beginners. While this simple breakfast is a staple for many, it doesn’t always hit the spot. While many smoothies are super sugary thanks to the fruit and milk base, a quick Google search of "keto smoothie" or "low-carb smoothie" will return millions of recipes. Snacks such as Veggie Straws or Fruit Snacks: Whole Foods has a wide selection of snacks but many are made of grains or starchy veggies or are fruit-based and contain large amounts of carbohydrates that are undesirable for keto dieters. Though you might want a heavy, comforting entree filled with potatoes or rice at first, you can keep this desire at bay with the right combination of keto foods. A typical day's menu might include scrambled eggs and sausage, oatmeal with butter and cream, and sliced tomatoes for breakfast; Cobb salad with olive oil and vinegar dressing and an apple for lunch; and roast pork loin, brown rice with butter, asparagus with butter, and a mixed-greens salad with olive oil and vinegar dressing for dinner. This popular keto-friendly creamer is made with medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, ghee, coconut oil, cacao butter, and sunflower lecithin to create a creamy, high fat creamer to help promote ketosis.